This is going to be a long article so I’ll break it down into several different posts (Click the link at the bottom to read on).

In the last couple of months, my Google Maps listing was suspended. For those that don’t know what that means, a maps listing is the small map that pops up in a Google search when you search for something like “CV writing service in Cardiff”.

Let me explain why and what happened and why I think that there are lessons that I learned that may be useful for people looking for a new or better job.

In October 2022, enquiries coming through the website fell off a cliff. The number of people asking for help with their CV coming through the website fell to virtually zero. I didn’t notice this at first as sometimes there’s a lull in activity that varies with the market conditions prevailing at the time and I was very busy. I checked the website which was functioning properly and after a week or two went by, I went to my Google Analytics account and found that website traffic had plummeted.

It was only when I started looking for my business listings on Google that I realised that my business listing had disappeared from Google Maps. I logged into the Google My Business site and found that my listing was suspended. I’d received no notification from Google, had changed nothing, done nothing wrong but there was this suspension notice. I felt angry, hurt and had no idea as to what to do about it.

When people apply for jobs and get no immediate response one way or another from their prospective employer, the feelings are similar. They expect the employer to get in touch but often they don’t and sometimes applications get lost in the system. Employers – please let candidates know where they are in the process. If they’ve been unsuccessful, please tell them. Candidates – ask at interview when you will hear back from the employer. If, after a reasonable amount of time, say a week after they said they would let you know then get in touch in case the application has fallen between the cracks. Large organisations have systems and processes in place that sometimes simply don’t work and in my case, Google was just the same.



Author: Glenn Hughes

I’m a professional CV writer who also writes website content, LinkedIn profiles, helps people with bespoke job applications and more. I’ve been writing for the internet since 2009 and have many published articles.


  • Glenn Hughes

    I'm a professional CV writer who also writes website content, LinkedIn profiles, helps people with bespoke job applications and more. I've been writing for the internet since 2009 and have many published articles.

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