Testimonials- happy customers, in their own words

Colin M, Cardiff: “Fantastic! I am very impressed with the level of service I have received from you. It is refreshing to see that you aren’t just going to end it with the completion of the cover letter and cv – above and beyond Sir, above and beyond”

Tony K, Monmouth: ” Hi Glenn, the CV worked! Can i have your address so i can send you a cq? Thanks Tony

Natalie R, London.: “I got the job!! Just wanted to let you know my news that I got the role! Thanks so much for your help and support!!”

Kiera P, Cardiff: “Confirmation received from Swansea University!! I’ve got into LAW!!!!!”

Ioana, Romania: “In a 5min video you pointed out more things than my friends and family could spot in over a week”

Aamir, Switzerland: “I really appreciate your kind efforts and work for tailoring my CV. It was tough work and you managed it professionally.”

Justin B, England: “I used your CV service sometime last year and was very pleased with the results I was given. I would like to pass them on to your site.”

Luke M, SE England: “So far of the 4, I’ve had two interviews, with one more coming up for the prison service which I’m not going to bother with”

Marlon A, SE England: “I have got really good results through your writing work. I have 4 interviews lined up this week – am really happy.”

Ian S, Oxford.:”Thank you so much for all the work you have put into creating my CV, I really appreciate it. You have been a pleasure to work with throughout”

CV Writing Service Testimonials



  • Glenn Hughes

    I'm a professional CV writer who also writes website content, LinkedIn profiles, helps people with bespoke job applications and more. I've been writing for the internet since 2009 and have many published articles.

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