You might want to read page one of this article if you’ve arrived here directly
Having had my Maps listing suspended, I needed to fix the issue with Google and started on the process of getting my listing reinstated. I’m a member of an Internet Marketing Group and have some knowledgeable contacts who were able to point me in the direction of a reinstatement request. The Google reinstatement process is a bit like a job appication form. You have to put the reasons why you are applying for reinstatement in much the same way as you sell yourself on an application form and highlight what you can bring to the job.
In this case though, it’s more difficult. Google gave me no reason as to why my listing had been suspended but simply pointed me to their terms and conditions pages so I had no idea what to write on the form. I decided to simply tell the truth, pointing out that I’d traded legally for the lst 13 years and didn’t actually change anything on the Business Listing. I have read their terms and conditions more times than I care to mention. In truth, it wasn’t much help. I believed (and I now know it to be true) that there had just been an algorithm change from Google and I had got caught up in the change.
When you’re applying for a job then in most cases, there’s a job advert, a job or person specification and maybe even more information. Read the job description and any other information that’s available thoroughly. Pay close attention to what is being said as well as reading between the lines. I have found that when employers write a job description or person specification that the first things that they mention are the most important. This doesn’t mean that everything isn’t important but when people sit down to write, their foremost and most important thoughts come out of their mind first. There is generally a single problem or reqirement that employers have that they are trying to solve through recruiting for the position. In most cases, they simply wouldn’t be recruiting for the position if they could manage without. Most organisations don’t waste money unnecessarily.
When filling in an application form or tailoring a CV for a role, make sure that you satisfy the requirements of the role as much as possible. If you haven’t got the specific experience or qualifications that they are looking for then sometimes citing a relevant or comparable example might help. For example, if you haven’t managed a team directly then you might highlight instances where you’ve worked in a team, shown initiative or taken responsibility and therefore improved the performance of that team.
The final part of this story can be found on the link below. It’s really worth reading in my own, humble opinion.
Author: Glenn Hughes
I’m a professional CV writer who also writes website content, LinkedIn profiles, helps people with bespoke job applications and more. I’ve been writing for the internet since 2009 and have many published articles.
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